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The Red Book Ritual 2022 Free Movie - FlixTor

The Red Book Ritual FlixTor online in 1080p HD. One day a group of friends decide to play a game called Red Book. Young people think that this is just child's play. One of the many horror stories that scare children. But, very little time will pass, and friends will regret their undertaking. Evil has been living in the house for many years. Once upon a time, a witch was killed during the magic ritual of the ball. And dying, she imposed a terrible curse. Curiosity sometimes leads to fatal events.

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A drop of blood accidentally falling on the page of the book releases the ancient evil that the manuscript has kept for centuries. And now the whole company of friends is threatened with death. The spirit that has escaped to freedom needs new victims. After all, only in this way can he accumulate strength and gain complete freedom. The guys are forced to look for a way to put the creature they released back into the trap. Time is getting shorter every hour. After all, the longer the spirit stays in the world of the living, the stronger it becomes.